Exercises in Pregnancy

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Exercising in Pregnancy

You read that title right, you can exercise when you are pregnant within safe limitations and precaution.

We hear how Serena Williams winning the Australian Open while pregnant with baby Alexis. We see on social media how female body builders are still working out and killing it during pregnancy.

What is the secret? No to do anything new. What does that mean? It means that you’re not going to start climbing Mount Everest in your pregnancy if you never hiked in your life. You can continue your regular routine exercise.

I was not able to move much with my last two , but I did take walks. My first I was not only jogging, but belly dancing almost everyday, and teaching a class. So not moving for me during pregnancy was very hard on me.

Before I continue I want to acknowledge that I am not a doctor and before starting anything consult with your OB or Midwife.

Exercising even if it is a light walk helps with that pregnancy fatigue and gets your body moving helping also clear your mind. Some women prefer to not lift a finger but I doubt that is who you are if you landed on this, and that is okay too. It is good to know what is within safe and cautious activity.

Here are some great exercising tips if you are not active but feel you need to get the body and mind activated to a positive light.

  • Walking: Taking a brisk walking gives you a total body workout and is easy on the joints and muscles.

  • Swimming and water workouts: Water workouts use many body’ muscles at once. In water sports the water supports your weight so you avoid injury, muscle strain, and less pressure impact.

  • Stationary bicycling: Because your growing belly can affect your balance, riding a standard bicycle during pregnancy can be risky. Cycling on a stationary bike is a better choice that offers stability.

  • Prenatal yoga and Prenatal or modified Pilates—Yoga reduces stress, improves flexibility, and encourages stretching and focused breathing. There are prenatal yoga and prenatal Pilates classes. These classes often teach modified poses that accommodate a pregnant woman’s shifting balance and body. You also should avoid poses that require you to be still or lie on your back for long periods most classes will avoid this.

The benefits of regular exercise during pregnancy:

  • Eases constipation

  • Reduces back pain

  • Promotes healthy weight gain during pregnancy

  • Improving your overall general fitness and strengthening your heart and blood vessels

  • Can decrease your risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and a cesarean delivery

  • Helps aide in losing baby weight after your baby is born

Stop activities

If you experience one or more of these warning signs no matter the level of athleticism and contact your OB or Midwife .

  • Headache

  • Chest pain

  • Feeling dizzy or faint

  • Shortness of breath before starting exercise

  • Bleeding from the vagina

  • Muscle weakness

  • Calf pain or swelling

  • Regular, painful contractions of the uterus

  • Fluid gushing or leaking from the vagina

Remember to not start anything without consulting with your health care professional even if it is an activity you have always done.


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